Pappy Show
Kevin puts on a puppet show
for his little sister Keisha.
He calls it “Pappy Show”
and it takes surprising
twists and turns, including
the visit of a donkey. As the
children play, they also learn
a very valuable secret of life.
Join in the adventure as the boy tells a tall tale
and his sister plays merrily along.
• Let your imagination run wild on every page
• Sing donkey songs and learn their names
• Learn a dozen donkey facts
• Learn a dozen donkey proverbs
• Read together and encourage participation
This storybook is packed with fun for everyone.
Title: Pappy Show
ISBN: 978-1-990380-07-5
Number of pages: 32 pages
Author: Al Campbell
Illustrator: Nawmy
Publisher: Guava Press
Language: English